To occupy oneself

Chrissy was right.
I do need a hobby.

Reading only lasts so long. As does the internet. As previously commented, writing does need to happen more often. But I need to find another, dusty corner of my brain and cultivate that.
I have occasionally considered getting off a few bus stops early on one of the routes I take to pop into a piano store and borrow a Steinway for a half hour or something. Seems awkward, but maybe they wouldn’t mind? I don’t suck, although I haven’t played in a while so it would have to be something sloww.

Cooking/baking I suppose is an option – on the weekends at least. I can’t see myself being willing to devote that chunk of time to a loaf of sugary goodness after I get home from work. And I do cook a legit meal, usually once a week (half the time it lasts me the whole week).

I could continue organizing my plethora of photos.
Maybe I should work out every day (it is a nice goal, even aside from looking for things to occupy me).

Listening to music but often something I just do passively. I’m enjoying Cocoon right now. They’re rather different.